Beauty rest, anyone? When you sleep, *you're* out cold, but your brain is a busy busy bee. That first one, Brain Drain? He's referring to the glymphatic system, managed by glial cells. Glial cells and the neurons they protect rely heavily on glutathione not only for defense against excess reactive oxygen species, but also as the "soap" that binds to molecules that the brain wants to wash away. No wonder then, given this waste management system, that many people who boost their cells' ability to produce glutathione report better sleep- they sleep soundly, and some recall more vivid dreams.
Further Reading:
Scientists Discover Previously Unknown Cleansing System in Brain…/scientists-discover-previo……/scientists-discover-previo…
Coordinate Regulation of Glutathione Biosynthesis and Release by Nrf2-Expressing Glia Potently Protects Neurons from Oxidative Stress
Photo Credit: habilis virtual assistant
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